Solar Staffing Augmentation

Solar Staffing Augmentation

Staff augmentation is a business strategy that involves supplementing an organization's existing workforce with additional staff members, typically on a temporary or project-by-project basis.

Our experience in the Solar Industry has connected us with some very talented individuals. Whether its an accounting and lender expert, a process improvement wizard, a legal ninja, or a star project manager, Intigra can bring you the mercenary you need, when you need it. The best part is there is no commitment. Why train someone from scratch when Intigra can bring you a highly specialized talented resource that can complete a task or project in a fraction of the time.

  • Accounting

    Need someone to sort out outstanding payments and streamline your books? Maybe you think your dealer fees are a bit too high. Intigra specializes in using industry knowledge to give you the advantage.

  • Engineering and Design

    Tired of getting plans kicked back? Spending too much on outsourced engineers? Maybe you are expanding and aren’t sure what your plans should look like. We can help.

  • Project Management

    Whether its an influx of projects, or creating standard operating procedure, a project management expert will keep your projects moving.

  • IT

    Let’s get real, most companies are wasting money on their IT Administration. We can provide a solution that fits your needs specifically.

  • Legal

    We have partnered with firms that have experience dealing with the issues that are specific to the Solar Industry.

  • Process Improvement

    Happy with your size, but having trouble with consistency? A solar process improvement expert can save you time and money.

  • General Management

    Maybe you need someone who knows it all. A Jack-of-all-trades that knows the solar industry.

  • Sales Administration

    It’s exhausting managing sales teams, especially if they are external. A Sales Administration Expert can help you get more deals to the finish line, and keep those deals from canceling.

Need a High Powered Mercenary?

Let someone help that has been in your shoes before. No extensive training necessary.